Hi, I'm Utkarsh Singh, an experienced Data Engineer specialising in Data Science.

 I am a versatile computer science engineer with skills in multiple technologies, especially in Software Development, Data Engineering and Data Science. Being well-versed with such a broad spectrum of technologies helps me understand the problem at hand on a larger scale but with precise granularity. Learning and implementing new technologies is one of my prime interests,  which is exactly why I am pursuing a MicroMasters in Statistics and Data Science from MIT as well as a PG Diploma from Hero Vired in Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. 

This page is a glimpse of what I can do, please feel free to reach out to me in order to find out more. I would love to have a productive conversation.

Featured Projects

Ultra Therapeutics : Cancer Image Classification

Flask API Boilerplate

Data Science 101

Open Project

 Nothing validates knowledge more than certifications, so here are some of them!

Get in touch at codingcerebrum@gmail.com

LinkedIn GitHub Link